What's next for Cardinal?

This is the list of things we're working on, and what we intend to release in future versions. This list can change as the project development evolves


Current release

Next.js, GraphQL, Planetscale and authentication

Add Next.js and GraphQL templates. Templates can be configured with an optional database (Planetscale), and an optional authentication layer (Lucia)


AWS deployments with SST

Add AWS as a deployment provider option. Projects that choose AWS to deploy their stack will be scaffolded with SST



Add REST and tRPC API function handlers.


More database options

Add more database options to be used with Drizzle ORM (MySQL, Postgres), and database adapters for Lucia (MySQL, Postgres)


Client-side React w/Vite

Add frameworkless React as frontend option. Projects that choose React will be scaffolded with React + Vite


Cloudflare deployments with Wrangler

Add Cloudflare as a deployment provider option. Projects that choose Cloudflare to deploy their stack will be scaffolded with sane defaults for Wrangler

That's not all!

We're always open to new ideas and feedback over here. If you feel like there's something missing in Cardinal, or you would like to contribute with ongoing feature development, you're welcome to open a PR or issue. Refer to the Contribution Guidelines for more information.